
A question….

Just wondering....

Hello. Nice to see you. This post is NOT sponsored. Just so you know.

So. Here at MM, we’ve had some meetings recently with the people from Weight Watchers about some potential future advertising which may include sponsored posts.

It’s been a really interesting process. We’ve learned more about Weight Watchers (well, I’ve learned more about Weight Watchers – Lana knows everything already) and they’ve learned more about us and how the Mamamia community works.

Nothing has been signed or sealed yet but I wanted to have a little open chat with you guys about the IDEA of it.

Here’s the thing: we realise that some people can have strong views about what products and services are advertised on Mamamia.

Some people think we shouldn’t accept advertising for baby formula because it undermines the message that breast-is-best (I’m yet to meet a new mother who hasn’t had that message driven repeatedly into her brain with a large truck). Others think alcohol advertising should be banned because it can be used for binge drinking by underage girls (and boys).

When it comes to advertising partners and sponsors, we take a different view. Mamamia is not your mother. Or your doctor. Or your boss.

We believe you’re much smarter than that.

The vast majority of MM readers are perfectly willing and able to filter advertising messages in and out depending on their interests or circumstances.


So Weight Watchers.

Obviously, because of my body image advocacy work, you don’t need a crystal ball to see that some might consider Weight Watchers advertising – in amongst the rest of the advertising – to be a grey area, or even hypocritical in some way. We get that which is why we’re posting this today. So we can have a calm, open and honest discussion about it.

Hopefully, the post I did a couple of weeks ago explaining how Sponsored Posts work and how they are different to my direct endorsement has cleared up some misconceptions about that.

Here’s some other background: MM’s site manager Lana does Weight Watchers. So do many of my friends. I’ve spoken to them all at length about it over the years and apart from any weight loss, they are all resoundingly positive about what WW has taught them about food, nutrition and how to make better choices.

Weight Watchers have recently overhauled their points system, the biggest change they’ve made in 25 years. And I know this because before we even met with WW, Lana came into the office and told Nicky and I all about it – whether I wanted to listen or not. She was that evangelical.

We were impressed with the philosophy – which is based on not just eating a limited number of kilojoules but learning about the healthiest WAY to eat. Not just for two weeks before you buy a swimsuit, but for life.


Unlike other programs, I’ve been impressed by the fact that Weight Watchers seems to be about teaching people how to make their own choices in their actual lives instead of spoon feeding them (literally) packaged meals that only work as long as you keep buying them.

My position on body image advocacy is well known and hasn’t changed. And Mamamia would never accept any kind of advertising for crash diet products like this one. That ain’t gonna change either.

We’ve given a lot of thought to this in the MM office and looked at the issue every which way.

Ultimately, we  feel that a position of body image advocacy (which is my own personal position as well as that of more broadly) is still compatible with publishing a sponsored post (not written by me personally) that explains the new Weight Watchers points system or provides some easy healthy meal options or opens up a discussion about how the average woman goes on 49 diets in her lifetime and how ultimately they don’t work.

Are there Mamamia readers who want to know about Weight Watchers’ new program, win some products or who would find this information relevant? Would you be horribly offended to seen information about WW here?

Or is it just another case of as a reader, you picking and choosing what advertising and sponsored posts are of interest and leaving the others to others…..?